All are Welcome

I do not discriminate against any Human
based on race, religion, age or disability

♥ Etiquette

♥ Etiquette

How you behave
greatly effects the quality of your session 

Treat me with Respect at all times
and I will treat you the same

Please Be A Gentleman
Slapping, Pinching, and Aggressive Behaviour
Will immediately Terminate Our Time Together


Lack of cleanliness
will most definitely effect the quality of your session

Please know I am always freshly showered and clean for you. 

I ask you to please take a shower when you arrive at my incall. 


Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment 

The Day we meet
A few things to remember . . . .

Please Be Discreet and Quiet
when Entering and Leaving
my incall

Please refrain from wearing Perfume or Cologne
on the Day you have an appointment


♥ Please refrain from Smoking at least 2 hours before you see me

♥ If you have a Fever

please wait until you are not sick to see me

♥ If you have open wounds or sores
please wait until they are healed before you see me

 ♥ You Must Shower or Bath at my incall
before we begin the Session
No Exceptions

I do provide a variety of unscented products

if you are scared of not smelling like you normally do
you can always bring a bar of your kind of soap with you to use

Give Polite, Respectful 
and Discreet behavior 
to me 
and you will receive 
the same in return