All are Welcome

I do not discriminate against any Human
based on race, religion, age or disability

♥ Holistic Relaxation

The Wounded Healer 

On a personal healing quest, I started studying and practicing
Yoga, Meditation, Energy-Work and Reiki about 9 years ago
suddenly so many positive and wonderful things
started happening for me personally that
 since I discovered its healing powers for myself
holistic relaxation has been my true passion in life

Knowing the healing benefits I gained for my Body, Mind and Spirit,
I decided to learn to become a guide, and teacher for others and 

share the many wonderful benefits of 
combining relaxation, sensual touch and energy healing  

I have discovered my true path in Life
and it is my absolute pleasure to share 
my skills and knowledge with you!

Holistic Relaxation
focuses on the Body, Mind and Spirit as One

The Art of Holistic Relaxation encompasses a broad range of techniques
I use a unique blend designed for each individual I see
to create a Body, Mind, and Spirit Harmony

The variety of techniques I use
have been obtained through professional training,
classes, years of studying and apprenticeships
I hold a level I & II Reiki Certificate